I've found the option to Send Later - am I right in thinking you can't specify when to send, it's manual? Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie E-Mail finden Sie bei computerbild.de! Thunderbird version 68.7.0 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 60. This is due to Thunderbird being accidentally set to Offline mode. While Thunderbird 60.7.0 will be released later today, work continues on the next major release of the email client, Thunderbird 68.0. Users on version 60, the last major release, will not be immediately updated – but will receive the update in the coming weeks. Der Mail-Client Thunderbird ist ab sofort in der Version 68.5.0 verfügbar. Send Later Users This group is for announcements and discussion about the Send Later Thunderbird / SeaMonkey / Postbox add-on, which allows email messages to be scheduled for delivery at a specific time in the future. Receive this message "Sending of the message failed. A future version 68.1 will provide updates from earlier versions. Send Later использует SugarJS Андрея Пламмера. Thunderbird users who are interested in the new version may download it from the project website to install it manually. The Basics. For older versions of Thunderbird, you need to download version 6.4.6. This is the first release of Send Later which attempts to be compatible with Thunderbird 68, so there may be some rough edges I haven’t stumbled across yet. There are no new/own functions. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. Send icon when composing mail. Thunderbird ist freie Software und respektiert Ihre Freiheit, außerdem finanzieren wir uns vollständig durch Spenden. > How to correct Send Later issue in Thunderbird – Notes A client recently emailed me that he had a problem with his Thunderbird showing the Send Later icon vs. This is due to Thunderbird being accidentally set to Offline mode. The Write window opens.

Der kostenlose Mail-Client "Mozilla Thunderbird" ist in der aktuellen Version 68.7.0 zum Download erschienen. I’m on Windows 10 Pro, running Thunderbird 68.4… How to install the Thunderbird Send Later add-on In order to install the add-on, point your web browser to the add-on site and click Download Now. Thunderbird Beta compatible versions: The new compatible versions are "hidden" on this website and can only be found behind the link "View other versions".So have a look there, please. Sending a new message. October 10, 2019 COMMENTS 30 What’s New in Thunderbird 68 Our newest release, Thunderbird version 68 is now available!
In this blog post, we’ll take a look … Continue reading * Remove Kickstarter campaign pop-up, since the campaign has succeeded and is almost over. Save the .xpi file to your Downloads directory. ... 2020 483.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71. As soon as you’ve set up an email account, you’re ready to start sending and receiving messages in Thunderbird.Here’s how to do it. Thunderbird 68.7.0 kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! Firefox 68.0 ESR will be released on July 9th, 2019 and Thunderbird 68…

"Send Later" add-on for Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and Postbox - jikamens/send-later Thunderbird Thunderbird ist der Firefox für Mails, Chat, Adressen und Termine.
General information: This add-on adds a simple "Send later" button to the compose window toolbar. ; In the To box, type the email address you want to send … Try again."

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