"Send Later" add-on for Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and Postbox - ilario/send-later Thunderbird doesn’t come with a scheduled send feature by default, but you can easily add it with the Send Later add-on.
If you're keen on sending emails with Thunderbird's Ctrl-Enter shortcut, then incorporating the Send Later command should be a cinch - just hit Ctrl-Shift-Enter. Some Mozilla Thunderbird users have reported their Send and Attach buttons simply disappearing from their Compose Message and Reply windows entirely out of the blue.Missing Send and Attach buttons means that the user will not be able to attach any items to their emails or even send any emails, making this quite a significant problem.Fortunately, this is a problem that can be fixed quite …

Step 2: Go to Tools > Add-ons in Thunderbird. One clarification… Even when you do not hijack the Send button, you can still get to the add-on functionality without adding buttons to the toolbar — the built-in Thunderbird “Send Later” command, a.k.a., ctrl-shift-enter or File > Send Later, activates Send Later 3 when the add-on is installed. Just remember to take it back into Online Mode when done. The Send Later Thunderbird add-on allows you you to write an email message and then tell Thunderbird when you want it to be sent. The add-on provides no new or own functions.

This add-on provides a separate Send later button in the compose window.

The add-on is available for download from addons.thunderbird.net. The message is then saved back into your Drafts folder, and delivered at approximately the specified time. You can use the Submit Later button with the standard Thunderbird.
Daifne wrote:If you put Thunderbird into Offline Mode, the Send button turns into Send Later. The button is just an easy-to-reach way to send later. Step 1: Download the Send Later add-on from the link above. Do this with File>Offline>Work Offline or with the little icon in the lower left of the task bar. Then your messages will be stored in folder "Outbox" for later …

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